I'm pretty experienced in HTML. I run my own site at blaineallenbrown.com. The design on my personal site is pretty spartan, by design. I don't like a lot of CSS and I just want to get the information out in the simplest way possible. But since I'm just goofing around with this assignment, I tried some more sophisticated CSS. I found a template for a single column page layout that scales to the width of the window on maxdesign.com.au
The CSS for this site is really simple and easy to understand! And even though I still take issue with CSS in general, (because it cannot do a three column layout (a really standard layout for websites when CSS was created) without a lot of complicated code) I find this particular example of CSS to be pretty cool. It was very simple and easy to get working.  
Another thing I worked on with this page a favicon, which is the little image that appears next to the url (or next to the title of the tab in Google Chrome). I mocked up a simple image of a cake and included it. I also made sure to get the doctype and character encoding correct so that the W3C Validator wouldn't complain.

The full page can be seen here.

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    Blaine Brown

    Writer and master of all things tech. I also play a lot of video games.


    February 2013
    January 2013


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